There is currently approximately 4,000 individual products available to participants of the Stoma Appliance Scheme (SAS), through the SAS Schedule. While QSA does endeavour to hold stocks of the more popular multi-user products in store, most of our products are ordered from our Melbourne based suppliers by demand. Our estimated order availability timeframe of 10 business days provides us with sufficient time to order your stock, receive your stock, and prepare your stock for collection and dispatch via Australia Post.
Following is a summary of our full end to end SAS order to SAS claim process:
- A request for SAS supply is received from a QSA member.
- Payment for postage/fees/other purchased item is obtained as required
- The order is reviewed and assessed for compliance within SAS rules
- The request for supply is entered into our claiming system as an order
- A bulk request for products to fill all current outstanding orders is sent to each one of our ostomy product suppliers, usually the next QSA business day
- The bulk order is received from our suppliers, usually within 72 business hours
- The bulk order is broken down and checked to the invoice
- The received product is sorted and prepared for collation as member orders
- A copy of the members outstanding order is generated as a picking slip and all products required to fill the order are collated
- One of team of friendly volunteers checks the products collated to the picking slip, and prepares the order for collection by the member, or for dispatch to the member via Australia Post
- The parcel leaves QSA, usually within 3-4 business days of the products arriving from our suppliers, depending on demand and volunteer availability
- QSA pays the supplier for the products
- At the end of each month, QSA submits a bulk claim to Services Australia for reimbursement of all products issued to members through the SAS
- The following month, Services Australia reimburses QSA for the cost of SAS product issued during the previous month, plus a 2.75% handling fee.