Caring for a person with an ostomy can certainly be challenging. Following are links to YouTube training videos, channels and other resources which may be useful when caring for somebody with an ostomy (Edge or Firefox required). Please note that these resources are external, are for information purposes only, and should not be seen as an endorsement of any product or service. They should also only be used as a supplement to information given to you by your doctor or your Stomal Therapy Nurse (STN). Our disclaimer should be read before viewing.

Should you have a genuine concern about the welfare of a person with an ostomy or if you feel something is just “not quite right”, expert medical advice should be sought immediately.

Convatec YouTube Channel

Dansac YouTube Channel

Coloplast YouTube Channel

Omnigon YouTube Channel

Salts Healthcare YouTube Channel


Queensland Stoma Association Inc would like to acknowledge and thank all authors and producers of the above for making these resources available for viewing.